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NAR Puppies Terms And Conditions

NAR Puppies Copyright

NAR Puppies Copyright (A) This legal document herein, as well as NAR Puppies in it's entirety, is the collective copyrighted works of NAR Puppies, and Cody's N Smith's. It is copyrighted under federal copyright law, and of NAR Puppies. Any individual copying, reproduction, downloading, or using of this legal document, except for The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, is breaking United Stated Federal Copyright laws, and additional other laws as well that protect NAR Puppies, and Cody N Smith, from illegal infringement, and illegal copyright violations.

NAR Puppies Copyright (B), design, website layout, creatives, images, videos, text, products, puppies, adult dogs, custom JavaScript programming code, custom HTML code, custom CSS code, breeding program, canine bloodlines, business structure and strategy, and otherwise, anything and everything that make up NAR Puppies, and the original creative works of Cody N Smith, is copyrighted under copyright creative law as the original works, creators of such work in question, that equal in part, or in full, everything that is NAR Puppies.

This Legal Doctrine  Contract, That includes, but is not limited to, Bylaws, Terms, Conditions, policies, rules, that are creative copyrighted to Cody N Smith husband of Abby J Smith, and father of Hudson N Smith, and who is the founder and CEO, of NAR Puppies, and a board member of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, has created this contract herein, also viewable on under terms and conditions page title. This contract Herein, is legally binding to all individuals and parties involved, it is considered a legal doctrine contract between NAR Puppies, and any all individuals and parties that associate, use, communicate with, use the services of, talk about, write about, audio about, view any part of, in part, or in full NAR Puppies, and even more specifically, The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees. The authority of this contract, it's legal power, is help entirely by The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, it is their management and direction decision to decide to use or not use this legal contract. NO signatures, stamps, seals, notary, political, court, entity, alias, or any other individual or party is required, to make this a legally binding contract between NAR Puppies, and the individual or party that has associated with NAR Puppies in anyway, or used it's services, or other related term that equals or contains NAR Puppies, for this contract to be active and legally binding. Signatures are not required for a contract to be valid, especially this one, if the individual or party in question, meets the criteria of a term, event, or situation, that equals or contains or NAR Puppies, in part, or in full.

This contract herein, is a legally binding legal doctrine, including, but not limited to, individuals, customers, and the brand, business, board, animals, properties, employees, owners, contract workers, paid per transaction employees, services, contract services, any anyone else that associates with the NAR Puppies brand, it's services, animals or it's board. This page represents the official "Terms And Conditions" of the brand NAR Puppies, and it's corresponding website (, mobile apps, and any other electronic device used by members(customers) to access our services and servers that make up the brand NAR Puppies and it's corresponding technology. The most recent version of NAR Puppies brand Terms And Conditions, Operating Agreement, Bylaws, shareholder information, and NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees company structure positions, are kept with the NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees. They are all confidential to NAR Puppies. they are legally binding under law. By using any NAR Puppies service, including, but not limited to, this website, you agree to these terms and conditions.


Tutorial (A) Section headers, or in general in this legal document, is a way to help future readers navigate more quickly, if needed, at-least most of the time. If a writing in question in the document is under a section header label, then that does not necessarily mean it only applies to the name of that section header, or keywords that that section is labeled or classified as in it's name. This legal document in whole applies to NAR Puppies, and NAR Puppies recommends reading the document in it's entirety, if needed, to fully understand and comprehend, or find the text that relates to your concern of question. Text in this document that is under a section label, can relate to other areas or topics of NAR Puppies, like other than the section header label.

Tutorial (B) If any individual does not understand in full, not in part, any text, meanings, explanations, sentences, in this legal document, NAR Puppies would recommend that you seek a qualified legal council to explain if necessary. NAR Puppies will take advantage of any individual that is a customer of NAR Puppies, or, that does not do harm, or hurt the reputation of NAR Puppies. With that being said, if needed, if you do not understand, or you have a disability, or related matter, we recommend seeking legal council, or an adult that is your legal guardian, before accessing NAR Puppies services, or associating with NAR Puppies, if needed.


To make this legal contract document easier to understand for our customers, individuals, this legal doctrine will use many commonly asked questions and concerns that past customers may have had, as well as questions they need to know, and then explain the correct answer under that section. Some answers and policies may be under a section header in this document that an individual would not expect. For this reason, we recommend reading the entire legal document in full, if an individual has any questions or concerns about NAR Puppies. By using, accessing, associating, or otherwise interacting with NAR Puppies brand, or it's services, you agree to the NAR Puppies Terms And Conditions document herein.

This legal doctrine is copyrighted itself, herein, under the USA and international copyright laws around the globe. This document, known collectively, in whole, not in part, as "NAR Puppies Terms And Conditions" is fully, 100% owned, written, maintained, structured, and developed for the business operations of the brand, business, known collectively as NAR Puppies. This legal contract, herein, can be changed at anytime, without prior warning, by NAR Puppies board of trustees to better reflect business policies, and to better protect core business interest, as well as for the best interest of the customers. The update, current copy of the doctrine will be listed and available to view at, and any individual may view it at anytime before using any NAR Puppies service, or associating with NAR Puppies, or the NAR Puppies board of trustees.


This contract, legal doctrine uses many terms, keywords, and phrases which all customers or individuals reading might not fully understand. This section will emphasize and define the meaning of these terms, keywords, and phrases as they are meant to be understood, or interrupted by the individual in question.

Terminology (A) NAR Puppies, means the keyword NAR Puppies,, Cody N. Smith, Abby J. Smith, Hudson N. Smith, the animals owned and in possession of, by NAR Puppies. Cody N Smith claims and holds all ownership shares of NAR Puppies, and holds controlling operating power, decision making, copyright, legal, and power of attorney over NAR Puppies. Cody N Smith, is the founder of NAR Puppies, and the visionary behind the brand, and dog breeding program, take makes up NAR Puppies. Every puppy that is adopted from NAR Puppies, is developed, designed, breed, raised, and health is also done by Cody N Smith, everything, up until the time the dog goes home to his/her new family. We are not a middle man, or trader, we are the real deal. A top of the line breeder, called NAR Puppies, that makes designer puppies, and raises them for families hands on, for families across the USA.

Terminology (B) When the word individual is used in this document, it means, in short, "in the content of the meaning of the variable in question", some examples can include, but not limited to, you, user, current device, alias, AI, program, code, computer, political, current ip address, current person, customer, human, that is currently associating with, or using any service that makes up the brand NAR Puppies. When the word individual is used in this legal document, it generally means, not NAR Puppies, but an individual accessing, associating, or using NAR Puppies.

Terminology (C) THE TERM AND KEYWORD, LAW ENFORCEMENT, IN THIS LEGAL DOCUMENT, EXCLUDES NAR PUPPIES, when this keyword is used in reference to referring to other parties, and means and includes, any individual, including, but not limited to, police, law enforcement, legal, political, on federal, state, county, and city levels.

Terminology (D) The term and keyword, professional commercial dog breeder, means, a dog breeder with over 10,000 hours of professional experience doing their trade as a professional commercial dog breeder. This individual is qualified to do their trade, everything from breeding, health, vaccines, worming, housing, living areas, food and diet, and otherwise anything relative to the trade of a professional commercial a dog breeder.

Terminology (E) The term and keyword NAR Puppies Entertainment, means in this legal article, at NAR Puppies, written, audio, visual, digital, creative, artistic, message, notification, server response, email, text, phone, chat, or otherwise, offline, online, entertainment, from NAR Puppies.

Terminology (F) The term "just compensation", means in this legal doctrine herein, and especially as related the United States Constitution, and especially in a event in question, relating to the seizure, sanction, foreclosure, or otherwise taking or a variable that has a asset the is owned by in part, or in full, NAR Puppies, means that, the situation that NAR Puppies was in, before the asset and variable in question, ownership, was taken in a legal process from The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees. If relating to a event in question, like a asset that is real-estate, the situation that NAR Puppies was in before the ownership was taken from NAR Puppies, equalling in this example "just compensation" for the asset, means the current total fair market value listing and sell price of the asset in question, if it were to be sold on the market at it's fair current market value selling price. This means if the property or asset in question, if "just compensation' is applied and The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees is "just compensated" for a asset in in a variable in question, the asset cannot be auction off, taken, seized, foreclosed, or otherwise the ownership of the asset in the variable belonging to NAR Puppies, cannot be less than "just compensation". "Just Compensation", means again, the position the owner was in before the asset in the variable in question was taken from The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees. Which means the position that NAR Puppies was before on the asset in question in this example, would be the current fair market value of the asset in qustion, if NAR Puppies was to sell the asset at fair market price.

The keywords, NAR Puppies means any all collective words of the business, DBA, brand, known in whole are in part as NAR Puppies. Works, including written works, electronic works, digital works, website works (, mobile app works (Google Play App Store, Apple App Store), breeding works, properties owned, properties in-contract to own, scientific works, canine bloodline works, canine DNA works, paper documents, website design, sales techniques, dogs, puppies, canines, ancestry canine data, breeding techniques, and anything else relating to NAR Puppies brand, including intellectual copyrighted works of NAR Puppies or it's owners, and the NAR Puppies board of trustees.

The term and word breeder, refers to any person, individual, family, or business that raises and create animals, specifically in this case puppies.

The term Constitution means, the United States Constitution of 1789, and the Constitution Bill Of Rights of December 15, 1791.

NAR Puppies Distribution Center

NAR Puppies Distribution Center (a) NAR Puppies Distribution Center is subsidiary company, of the parent company, Corporation, under the strict direction and control of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

NAR Puppies Distribution Center (B) All products purchased, sold are fulfilled by NAR Puppies Distribution Center.


Affiliates (A) NAR Puppies affiliates are required to only talk about NAR Puppies in a positive way, in a positive nature. Any negative views, images, creatives, gossip, created an affiliate, will be viewed by NAR Puppies that that affiliate in question should be terminated, voided. If a negative view, is presented to world about NAR Puppies, especially from an affiliate, or a third-party marketer, NAR Puppies legal team could sue for brand reputation damages as well. However, if it is a honest mistake, or an accident, or something small, NAR Puppies will always try to ask and correct the problem and warm the affiliate if possible, if not to much damage is done.

Affiliates (B) NAR Puppies ask and requires that any content being created, used, licensed, by affiliates, be rated G, PG, in nature. The affiliate in question should also not use any variable that could be discriminating, racist, sexist, or otherwise any content or variable that offend people when being a NAR Puppies Affiliate.

Affiliates (C) If any content, emails, customer list, creatives, events are used by any NAR Puppies affiliate, then that affiliate must own the rights, have express direct permission to the legal rights, to use the avenues and variables the affiliate in question is using to be an affiliate of NAR Puppies.

Affiliates (D) Any affiliate of NAR Puppies, commissions, sales, transactions, have to be approved on a per a transaction basis. This means, NAR Puppies looks at every sale, especially if a sale occurs from the result of an affiliate. NAR Puppies looks at fraud, honesty, and other variable to make sure and to determine the legitimacy of every transaction/sale at NAR Puppies. If a sale/transaction does not seem right by NAR Puppies, NAR Puppies has the right to void and refund the transaction in question, this situation would also void any affiliate commissions of that transaction in question.

Affiliates (E) If any transaction should occur from an affiliate in question, the billing address, shipping address, and other variables that NAR Puppies uses to make sure a transaction is legitimate, generally need to all match or make since for the lead/customer in question for the sale to be approved, and not refunded and voided.

NAR Puppies Animals

Animals (A) Any animal adopted by, or sold to any individual by NAR Puppies, agrees that any injures, accidents, that could occur from an animal from NAR Puppies brand, is and will not be the fault of NAR Puppies.

Animals (B) Any puppy or animal received from NAR Puppies, should be under the supervision of a legal adult around minors, or handicap individuals if required.

Animals (C) In extension of Animals (A), any accident, injures, that could occur from a NAR Puppies animals, the full associated cost, if any occur, are the responsibly of the new individual or family that adopted the animal from NAR Puppies.


Breeders, even more specifically dog breeders are not allowed to talk to, communicate with, offer to, or sale to NAR Puppies. Third-party breeders should stay off NAR Puppies brand services, and we do allow the copying of our business strategies, talking to us on chat or phone or email or text messaging, or accessing of website, or communication with NAR Puppies in anyway.

Google Ads

Customers of the NAR Puppies community network will be shown third-party ads by Google and Google partners. These are the only ads allowed on the network, and members will see the form of banner advertisement from brands and business around the globe. The ads are served by Google, but the content as far as images and text are often the creation of the business in question doing advertising. When a member clicks on a banner ad on NAR Puppies, the member is re-directed in the browser to an external link, this external link is the advertisers link, and is not affiliated with NAR Puppies.


Financial (A) store card is NAR Puppies in-house finance solution for our beloved customers world-wide. To use this financing option, create an account, add a puppy of your choice to the cart, then select store card in the multiple choice option that follows. The store card is generally almost interest-free with little to know extra fees, and is designed to help our customers split their payment into installment payments that make purchasing and adopting a puppy more affordable for the average household in the United States. The subscription cannot be canceled, or skipped or paused, and using this payment option, you agree to these terms and conditions. The reason the subscription cannot be canceled, is because the full amount of the sale price is still required and due/owed to, we are extending credit to a customer in question, and return only ask for all the payments to be made in full, and on time on payments. Financing cost us extra money, time, and is expensive for us to provide on the store card, however we try to provide this payment option with little to no extra fees(interest) for households that need a little help with their purchase at The payment is automatically charged if you use and choose this payment option. We retain the right to charge a $35.00 late fee for every monthly/weekly missed or failed payment. However, we generally try not to enforce these fees unless get behind and stay behind and discontinue payments and don't try to stay on schedule or make your payments. We also have the right to charge and add an extra 10% to the remainder total, to all remaining payments and total due if the customer in question is late on a scheduled payment. By using and selecting the payment method Store Card, you(the customer) agree to these terms and conditions.

Financial (B) No individual, except for The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, past, present, or future, can get loans, credit, financing, in part, or in full of NAR Puppies.

Financial (C) No individual, can place a lean on, seize, take, claim, any asset belonging to in part, or in full, NAR Puppies. If at anytime a debt is in question is ever debated, the creditor, lender, loan, debt against NAR Puppies, will not be used to claim any ownership percentage of NAR Puppies. If a individual in question is debating a dept owed by NAR Puppies, that individual in question agrees to wait until such debt is paid over time by NAR Puppies, as NAR Puppies can and will budget the business as honestly and professionally as possible, and if a debit or missed payment should occur, the individual agrees to wait until NAR Puppies can address the situation and create a budget over time. Such individual debating the dept in question against NAR Puppies, can alternatively write the dept off their taxes, if they do not wish for NAR Puppies to adjust the original terms of the debt, transaction, loan, collection in question, or avoid business with NAR Puppies altogether.

Financial (D) No individual can claim NAR Puppies on their tax returns in anyway, except for The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

 Financial (E) No individual, including, but not limited to, tax services, tax employee, political, university, dept collectors, can place a lean, claim, change, edit, manipulate, any part of NAR Puppies tax returns. All tax returns and financials are under the strict management authority of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees. 

Placement Adoption Homes

NAR Puppies has placement homes for our breeding program females and males. It is honestly hard to find a placement new additional placement homes that we are comfortable with for one of our breeding dog. Do to the strict health, feeding, and care schedule we demand for our breeding females. This is the reason all of our adult females and males in our breeding program here at are under the direct watch and supervision of Abby and Cody Smith, and NAR Puppies. We have always been open to new placement adoption homes for our breeding females in-between their litters, however, finding a family and home that will provide the care we demand and require for them, as well as being within a few days travel distance, is hard to find. Abby and Cody Smith do own all the breeding male and females, however for the NAR Puppies brand, we just have placement adoption homes for some of our animals with people we trust to give them the care we demand, and the love and home they deserve.

Using Our Services

By law NAR Puppies brand and its owners reserve the right to deny, or refuse anyone from using our business(service) in the public, offline or online. However, we welcome the use of our services, except for the few that fall in the categories below, such as law enforcement for example. If you belong to one of the groups in anyway below, we ask that you ask permission to use our service before proceeding. If you belong to one of the categories of individual below you agree by accessing this website, or viewing or using any NAR Puppies brand services, that you agree to not report to, gossip, tell, inform, write down, record, take pictures, or otherwise document in anyway our brand.


NAR Puppies, ( does not allow law enforcement agencies, government political positions, animal protection agencies and organizations, competitors looking for ideas or scope out our animals, judges, mayors, governors, or other dog canine breeders or dog/puppy marketplaces or store owners or staff to access this website, or copy, view, or report on the NAR Puppies brand in any way. Why do we not allow these groups of people to access, visit view,, or it's brand information online or offline under the name NAR Puppies? This is because the owners and brand itself NAR Puppies, has had way to many harassment type encounters with these categories in question. If you feel you belong to one of these groups in question, in the paragraph above, in this terms and condition page, and you also wish to purchase a puppy from NAR Puppies, and you wish to purchase a puppy solely for you and your family for your personal leisure and excitement to have this puppy, and you also agree to not incriminate NAR, or gossip negatively about NAR Puppies, then you can simply click our menu, and click on the contact us link, and feel out this form in question and ask if you place an order for a puppy and that your occupation is law enforcement. At this time, I will agree to adopt a puppy to you anyway if you agree to the statement above, and I also feel you will be a good loving home for the puppy in question.

By using, and the NAR Puppies brand services, offline or online, you agree that you are not in any of the groups or categories defined above under the section "Legal NAR Puppies Brand Using Our Services Disclaimer". If you are in any of these categories, you agree to exit the website or service of the NAR Puppies brand immediately, and also discontinue using our service until you are no longer in one of the groups mentioned above.


By using our services or website of the NAR Puppies brand, you also agree to not report to, gossip, tell, inform, write down, record, take pictures, or otherwise document in any way for any individuals that belong to one of the groups classified above in the section "Legal NAR Puppies Brand Using Our Services Disclaimer".


By using NAR Puppies brand services, or talking to one of the owners of NAR Puppies brand, or visiting, you agree to not spread roomers negative in nature, that are untrue, false, or otherwise can hurt the positive reputation of the NAR Puppies brand, or it's owners. You also agree to not claim to be associated with the NAR Puppies brand in a way that you are not truly associated with the owners, or the NAR Puppies brand. Doing so, NAR Puppies brand and its owner will enforce the law to the max punishment possible without warning. Criminal chargers, lawsuits for damages, and more are possible if the follow text in this section labeled "Gossip" Accors. WE ASK THAT YOU ASK PERMISSION FROM ABBY SMITH OR Cody N Smith if you wish to gossip or report that you are associated with us, or the brand in anyway, and get our written consent contract with our signature before doing so.

NAR Puppies Brand Copyright

Under federal law, NAR Puppies brand, including, but not limited to it's owners, staff, affiliates, website (, animals (canine's), employee's, contract work employee's, and more are protected by NAR Puppies brand creative copyright. We strictly disallow the copy, record, documenting, video, picture, audio, website, apps, documents, contracts, business structure, intellectual property, ownership information, animal ownership information, animal health information, animal registry information, or also any other animal information that is owned by the NAR Puppies brand. 


We reserve to right to sue in a legal lawsuit for creative copyright damages to the NAR Puppies brand, as well as indict and help pursue possible criminal chargers on the individuals in questions, depending on the situation in question that resulted in a copyright infringement against the NAR Puppies brand or it's owners, or other individuals stated in the paragraph above under "NAR Puppies Brand Copyright".

NAR Puppies Brand Management

NAR Puppies brand management, including, but not limited to, animals, staff, employees, contract workers, associates, affiliates, websites, apps, customer relations, venders, management, board of trustees, owners, are under the strict control, supervision, management, direct, authority, and ownership of the NAR Puppies board of trustees. No individual outside the NAR Puppies board of trustees can otherwise control, or be subject to any of the criteria listed herein, in the section labeled "NAR Puppies Brand Management". Unless a said in question United States Constitution law has been presented, broken, and/or otherwise needs NAR Puppies management to change a procedure, process, or strategy to be compliant with The United States Constitution doctrine.


Properties (A) Any property owned, including, but not limited to, in-contract to own, in a mortgage to own, owned 100%, by NAR Puppies brand, or it's board of trustees, is under the strict jurisdiction of NAR Puppies brand. NAR Puppies brand is protected against unlawful search and seizures against the government, political, law enforcement, or any outside party that does not have strict permission from the NAR Puppies board of trustees. All NAR Puppies properties fall under the jurisdiction of the United States, and The United States Constitution law. NAR Puppies is protected against illegal search and seizures, trespassing, and the taking of our property, animals, and anything that is legally NAR Puppies property. NAR Puppies is protected against the illegal search and seizure of our properties without a search warrant and without permission from The NAR Puppies board of trustees. especially if such situation is the seizure or taking of property (animals) without fair value compensation under constitution law.


Properties (B) NAR Puppies is not part of the ownership of any city, state, county, providence, or federal entity, except for and by The NAR Puppies Board of Trustees. No ownership claim otherwise should be written by any entity or individual, other than The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

Properties (C) No unauthorized personal is allowed to enter any property of facility, owned, operated, leased, in-contract, or otherwise occupied by NAR Puppies, without being added to the authorized personal list held by The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

Properties (D) If any individual should get hurt on a NAR Puppies property, they agree to not hold NAR Puppies liable, or claim NAR Puppies owes them any associated fees, if they such individual is not an approved authorized personal that is allowed to be on the property, or in the facility.


Lawsuits against NAR Puppies brand, and the NAR Puppies board of trustees, i't s properties, is not allowed if you purchase a puppy or merchandise item from NAR Puppies, or use our services or associate with NAR Puppies. you agree to these terms and conditions in the section labeled "lawsuits", otherwise relating to NAR Puppies, and its board of trustees and properties. NAR Puppies has guarantees and policies in place to provide great service.

Health Guarantee

NAR Puppies brand Health Guarantee information. We currently offer a life-time health guarantee on genetic health and trait health diseases and problems that we have tested for. For the record, we check for all of them that current science and technology allow our team to check for here at NAR Puppies. If we do not cover, or guarantee a specific test or possible inherited trait or DNA in question on a specific puppy in question, then the contract will normally state that statement on the puppies contract in question, that we have the buyer sign for his/her puppy. Lifetime health guarantee means, in the normal canine life of the pedigree puppy in question, NAR Puppies brand will cover the puppy as stated with the terms and explanation above under the section labeled "Health Guarantee". This guarantee covers of hundreds of health and trait inherited disorders that can be present in canine's, and the pedigree dog breed in question. NAR Puppies strives to have blood-lines with the healthiest health and trait variables available for our breeding program and puppies. In the event the lifetime health guarantee is claimed, a new puppy adoption will be made available to the family, the family may have to pay transportation cost, however NAR Puppies will cover the puppy cost. This is all pending an autopsy, unless we otherwise state no autopsy is needed, we will let the family in question know depending on the situation.

Contracts, Transactions

1. If a transaction, agreement, contract, is not in the best interest of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, also including, but not limited to legal contract, real-estate, properties, loan, mortgage, settlement, statement, sale, transfer, agreement, disagreement, proposal, lease, transaction, acquisition, receipt, invoice, financing, funding, or otherwise stated written or verbal or otherwise acknowledged and/or accepted, proposed, or not accepted in anyway by the NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees as the following terms and conditions under the NAR Puppies.


1.1. If the following criteria is met, established, is equal to, and/or is not in the best interest of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, the transaction or contract can be void at anytime, changed, modified, declined, by The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees at anytime, before, during, or after the transaction or contract in question has been established, agreed, proposed, or disagreed upon, no matter the date. A copy of the changed/modified information is confidential and held with the board of NAR Puppies. We will not share a copy of the updated information unless asked, requested, and agreed Upon by the board for the information to be released to the individual in question. If a subject matter in hand has illegal information, or includes, but not limited to,  is not lawful, not fair, not honest, not appropriate, was misleading, and/or the opposite party or individual involved did not follow the legal rules/laws of type of business transaction in question.

1.2.  If The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees finds the need to modify, change a situation in question, under the criteria "Contracts, Transactions", we reserve the right, and the opposing individual/parties agree to these terms and conditions by entering into business with, associating with, the NAR Puppies brand, and/or it's board of trustees.


Animals (A) Any individual, including, but not limited to, individual, entity, group, political, law enforcement, alias, is not allowed to regulate any animals that are the ownership of NAR Puppies.

Animals (B)  Any individual, including, but not limited to, individual, entity, group, political, law enforcement, alias, is not allowed to access, enter, patrol, any property owned by, occupied by, leased by, in-contract to own, or otherwise part of NAR Puppies.

Animals (C) All animals that are owned by, occupied by, in position of, breed by, NAR Puppies, are under the strict jurisdiction, management, direction, ownership, health care, authority, care, and legal custody of NAR Puppies, a.k.a. The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (A) No individual, including, but not limited to, entity, group, political, law enforcement, alias is allowed to claim the reputation of NAR Puppies. This includes, but is not limited to, the animals health, animals Vetenarian care, animals breeding, breeding program, puppies, or any else related the NAR Puppies animals. This also includes anything and everything else that makes up the NAR Puppies brand and company. The only exception is for The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, and NAR Puppies brand itself.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (B) No individual, including, but not limited to, entity, group, political, law enforcement, alias is allowed to claim the reputation of NAR Puppies. Except for The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, and NAR Puppies brand itself.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (C) NAR Puppies adoption of federal copyrighted licensing. The NAR Puppies board, more specifically, The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, adopts federal licensing, otherwise, authorizing and enrolling trained, skilled, educated, experienced individuals and entities with copyrighted licensing permits, under the strict and sole jurisdiction, and copyright, of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (D) NAR Puppies, has animal license's that include, but is not limited to, the following topics, breed, carry, house, habitat, own, care, health, monitor, buy, sell, advertise, list, network, animals in it's custody and possession.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (E) The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees includes, Cody N Smith, Abby J Smith, and Hudson N Smith.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (F) No individual, including, but not limited to, entity, group, political, law enforcement, alias is allowed to claim the reputation of NAR Puppies, or claim to be on The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, or claim to be a share holder, employee, founder, individual that finances NAR Puppies, except for those individuals that are listed in this section, under The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (C).


The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (G) No individual is allowed to claim a position, or the reputation of that position at NAR Puppies, that is not their position, or their reputation. Especially when relating to The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (H) If any position is ever given, granted, chosen, appointed at NAR Puppies, by Cody N Smith, then that position is deemed void automatically by The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, and NAR Puppies largest share holder, Cody N Smith, if the following condition is made. If the position in question that was appointed is not renewed by Cody N Smith, at the first of every month with his consent, authorization, then the position granted in question is deemed void, unless otherwise stated, written, and authorized by Cody N Smith. Also a NDA is required before starting at NAR Puppies, or becoming a board member if chosen.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (I) In the event of the death of Cody N Smith, the full controlling interest, shares, 100% of NAR Puppies Class A shares, control, ownership, of NAR Puppies, will pass in full, not in part, to Abby J Smith.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (J) In the event of the death of Cody N Smith, and Abby J Smith, the full controlling interest, shares, 100% of NAR Puppies Class A Shares, control, ownership, of NAR Puppies, will pass in full, not in part, to Hudson N Smith.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (K) NAR Puppies adoption of bylaws. The Corporation bylaws are adopted on behalf of NAR Puppies, the Corporation, entity. NAR Puppies bylaws are under the strict management, direction, authority, of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees. No bylaw, term, condition, can cancel out, void, change, alter, any term and condition, bylaw, legal document, policy, that equals NAR Puppies, these are management and ownership variables, that are under the strict direction, creation, control, copyright, management, ownership, of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees. If a term or condition, bylaw, legal document, or other variable relating to NAR Puppies, management, ownership, bylaw, term and condition, is to be changed or altered, voided, created, these variables would have to be agreed upon, only by The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (L) NAR Puppies adoption of shares. The Corporation shares are adopted on behalf of NAR Puppies, the Corporation, entity. NAR Puppies shares are under the strict management, direction, authority, of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees. No individual, can produce, duplicate, transfer, create, sell, change, edit, NAR Puppies company shares, except for The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (M) NAR Puppies adoption of class shares. The Corporation share class names are as followed. NAR Puppies Class A shares, NAR Puppies Class B shares, and NAR Puppies Class C shares. All shares, share classes, are under the strict authority, record keeping, documentation, transaction, legal, and ownership of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

  • NAR Puppies Class A Shares consist of 24.5% ownership stake of NAR Puppies. This stock is owned, managed, and in the custody of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees. NAR Puppies Class A Shares get 1 vote per share.

  • NAR Puppies Class B Shares consist of 51% ownership stake of NAR Puppies. All, 100% of NAR Puppies Class B Shares are the ownership of Cody N Smith, a board member of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees. NAR Puppies Class B Shares get 10 votes per share.

  • NAR Puppies Class C Shares consist of 24.5% ownership stake of NAR Puppies. This stock is owned, managed, and in the custody of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees. NAR Puppies Class C Shares get no vote per share owned.

  • In the event of a future investor capital is raised, NAR Puppies A and C shares can be split, multiplied, diluted, added to, to make room for new investors. However, bringing in new capital, or acquiring other companies, ads to the total value of the company NAR Puppies, and thus, also ads to the total value of all shares outstanding that make up NAR Puppies.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (N) NAR Puppies Class B shares, and it's shares and ownership percentage of 51% of NAR Puppies, can never be resolved, changed, edited, sold, diluted, removed, unless voted upon by majority percentage of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (O) No signature, stamp, seal, verbal agreement, or any other confirmative social action response, from a board member of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, can constitute, and override this legal document herein, in part, or in full, NAR Puppies. If confirmative response is given by a board member of NAR Puppies, for a subject or situation in question, a contract, or other agreement, it should not be taken lightly, however, NAR Puppies, and more specifically The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, are not legally bound to any agreement, contract, situation, event, terms, or otherwise any an all variables that could go against the terms, policies, bylaws, and other legal writings and variables that make up NAR Puppies.


The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (P) Any transaction, goods received, money received, funds received, currency received, donations received, legal fees received, court fees received, lawsuit fees received, or otherwise anything and everything that consist of a collection, or a fee, under the NAR Puppies brand, Cody N Smith, The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, or Corporation, it’s affiliates, partners, employees, political, goes to, and is paid to, the CEO and owner of Corporation, Cody N Smith.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (Q) Any version of A legal document, also known and titled as NAR Puppies Terms And Conditions, is void, deleted, and does not hold any merit, justice, legality, if the legal document in question gets updated on, or with The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees as then new, current version, and The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees deems the legal document an outdated, old, or in-complete version of such legal document, or terms in question, as related to NAR Puppies, and NAR Puppies legal. Older outdated versions of A legal document in question, like the Terms And Conditions are still copyrighted to Cody N Smith and NAR Puppies, and cannot be copied, used, reproduced, re-written, except by The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (R) No private internal data can be viewed by any individual, except for The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.


The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (S) No individual can be listed on any entity or business that owned by NAR Puppies, in part, or in full, except for The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.


The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (T) No Vetenarian, third-party, scholar, Dr, educator, breeder, company, financier, or otherwise any individual, cannot claim to be the teacher, founder, owner, or any other term or definition that equals in part, or in full NAR Puppies, except for The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (U) No bylaw can come againts any term and condition, bylaw, legal document, that contain or equal, in part, or in full, NAR Puppies.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (V) No legal document, including, but not limited to, bylaw, terms, conditions, policy, legal document, creative copyright's, or otherwise, any variable that contains or equals NAR Puppies, in part or in full, does not have to be registered with any local, state, federal, district, providence, territory, political, except such variables and legal documents, are to be registered, kept, secured, exclusively at and by The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees. Any bylaw, term, condition, policy, or otherwise legal document relating to NAR Puppies, in part, or in full, is legally binding, and registered. Meaning The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, does not have to pre-register it's internal Corporation information, such as bylaws, terms, conditions, and other legal documents, for them to be legal binding and real bylaws, terms, conditions, and legal documents they can use, they hold merit are authentic, and legal. If NAR Puppies is required in situation or event in question to present such documentation that relates to the situation at hand, then The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees can supply such information, at the time of the event, if it is their will, and board management decision to do so.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (W) No ownership decision can be made for variables that contain or equal NAR Puppies, except by The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (U) No political decision can be made for variables that contain or equal NAR Puppies political, except by The NAR PUPPIES BOARD Of Trustees.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (X) No law enforcement decision can be made for variables that contain or equal NAR Puppies legal, except by The NAR PUPPIES BOARD Of Trustees.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (Y) No judge or court decision can be made for variables that contain or equal NAR Puppies, except by The NAR PUPPIES BOARD Of Trustees.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (Z) No board decision, on The NAR Puppies Of Trustees, can be decided or made for variables that contain or equal NAR Puppies, except by majority share holders of the NAR Puppies board, conducting a board meeting, and voting on such situation and variable in question, for a decision from The NAR PUPPIES BOARD Of Trustees to be valid and hold merit as a decision or response from NAR Puppies.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (A1No individual, including, but not limited to, law enforcement can investigate NAR Puppies, or open a court or legal case, without contacting the NAR Puppies board CEO within the first business day. This is required to clear up any potential propaganda, mis-information, gossip, law enforcement harassment, potential damages to brand reputation, as related NAR Puppies, in a formal response statement from the NAR Puppies CEO. Law enforcement is required to state they are law enforcement if or when contacting the NAR Puppies CEO, if such event arrises. The CEO can also choose to forward inquires such as this to the NAR Puppies legal team, if such situation requires the legal teams attention.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (B1) No individual, including, but not limited to, veterinarian, MD, scholar, profession, can make any legal or management decision, as related to NAR Puppies, especially as when relating to NAR Puppies animals and breeding programs, except for The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (C1) No individual, including, but not limited to, any jurisdiction, can override The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (D1) Control, ownership, authority, and jurisdiction over NAR Puppies, is equal to the individual share holders of NAR Puppies.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (E1) No individual can hire, fire, contract work, another individual for work, employment, payroll, or otherwise a associated or appointed position related to NAR Puppies, other than The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (F1) No individual can claim to be with, date, be married to, be in a relationship with, be engaged to, or related situation, as relating to Abby J Smith, except for her legal husband Cody N Smith.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (G1) No individual can claim to be, or communicate, the mother, father, parent, legal guardian, Hudson N Smith, or claim to be raising, supporting, or have custody of Hudson N Smith, except for Abby J Smith, and Cody N Smith.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (H1) No individual can claim to be, or communicate, supporting, funding, lending, giving, currency to NAR Puppies, as related to operations or estate or private use.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (I1) No individual can spread, communicate, mis-information, propaganda, as related to NAR Puppies.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (J1) No individual can spread, communicate, anything and everything, that would or could potentially negatively impact NAR Puppies positive reputation.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (K1) NAR Puppies club members, including, for example, member club plans such as bronze, silver, gold, are classified and defined as, and only as "NAR Puppies club members", with the strict benefits of each individual club members plan. NAR Puppies Club membership plans are available to purchase and choose a plan only at No individual can claim to be a club member, if they are not actively enrolled in a club membership plan at A NAR Puppies club member must obey The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, for anything that equals or contains NAR Puppies. NAR Puppies club members cannot go againts any terms, policy, legal, or decision, of NAR Puppies business, especially when relating to The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees. NAR Puppies club membership benefits, terms, legal, plans, and other aspects of the NAR Puppies member and customer experience, can be changed without warning or notice.

The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees (L1) Any marketplace item, is under license to be allowed to be sold through NAR Puppies, from buyer, to seller in question. If an item in question is to be challenged in anyway at all, 


Smith Pressure Washing

Smith Pressure Washing (A) By contracting Smith Pressure Washing, a subsidiary company of Corporation, you agree to the Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, of NAR Puppies, and Smith Pressure Washing.

Smith Pressure Washing (B) All motor vehicles, working, parked, or otherwise operating for a Smith Pressure Washing project or event, should not be touched, moved, or any equipment taken off of a Smith Pressure Washing rig that that is not authorized by NAR Puppies.

Smith Pressure Washing (C) By using Smith Pressure Washing, the payee, individual, property owner, contracting Smith Pressure Washing, agrees to not hold Smith Pressure Washing liable for any potential, but unlikely, damages, injures, theft, lawsuits, fines, higher than normal utility bill, or otherwise anything abnormal, or abnormal event, that occurs at the time of contracting Smith Pressure, when we are on the site, or shortly before or after.

Smith Pressure Washing (D) Smith Pressure Washing agrees to not steal, re-locate off the property, or intentionally damage any item, property, animal, or individual, on purpose. Smith Pressure Washing strives for professionalism, and to focus on the job at hand that needs to be done(pressure washing).

Smith Pressure Washing (E) Smith Pressure Washing will not accept a fine, ticket, warrant, court case, for daily use and operation of our professional equipment, vehicles, trailers, engines, tanks, or otherwise anything and everything that relates to running Smith Pressure Washing in residential, commercial, industrial areas, when working and operating to get a job done at hand, for a job situation in question.

Smith Pressure Washing (F) Smith Pressure Washing is a Corporate charter, and is a subsidiary legal entity, that is under the parent company Corporation.

Smith Pressure Washing (G) Smith Pressure Washing has large, oversized equipment, vehicles, and trailers. Because of this, form time to time, when on a job site we are being contracted it, we may temporarily have to part partially, or fully, on a public road with our rig and vehicles. However, we try to fully park on the job site at hand, and stay off private and public property if at all possible.

Smith Pressure Washing (H) By contracting Smith Pressure Washing, you agree to pay Smith Pressure Washing's hour fair rate in full, at the beginning of every contracting event, every day anyways, that you contract Smith Pressure Washing for it's services. In the event that a job takes less time that an individual was quoted, or in the event that a job is not finished, Smith Pressure Washing agree to "pro-rate" the customer/individual in question and refund the pro-rated amount back to the person that contracted Smith Pressure Washing in this case.

Smith Pressure Washing (I) Smith Pressure Washing Cody N Smith, holds a license as a professional contractor from The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees. Any individuals working at Smith Pressure Washing, on site, or at headquarters, answer directly to Cody N Smith. Smith Pressure Washing as a whole, answers to The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees before any management decision can be made.


Entertainment (A) Any individual that receives any NAR Puppies entertainment is seeing such entertainment in question from NAR Puppies because of their direct association with NAR Puppies, in one way or another, in the past, or in the present. If an individual in question wishes to discontinue seeing any entertainment from NAR Puppies, that individual can unsubscribe, or stay away from NAR Puppies, depending on situation at hand in question.

Entertainment (B) Any individual associating, accessing, or using NAR Puppies, will and can see NAR Puppies entertainment, as well as educational, explanations, legal, situations and events that's variables verify depending on the situation in question at hand, and the department, devision, or third-party of NAR Puppies that individual is associating with, accessing, or using of NAR Puppies.

Marketplace And Departments

Any product, animal, event, transaction, order, delivery, sale or otherwise a variable, a situation in question, where a buyer received goods or services from NAR Puppies, the following terms and conditions are subject to these type of situations in questions.

Marketplace And Departments (A) NAR Puppies is not liable for any individuals injuries, including, but not limited to, trama, allergies, illnesses, cancer, getting hurt, death, suicide, sickness, mental problems, or otherwise any problems, situations negative in effect that relate to receiving and purchasing, or a transaction taking place, in part, or in full, NAR Puppies. NAR Puppies expects and requires for individuals to know and manage their health and lifestyle, the benefits and potential risk factors, and how a product, animals, transaction, can affect there individual life, before placing a order or transaction at NAR Puppies to take place to begin with.

Marketplace And Departments (B) Any individual that enters into a transaction with NAR Puppies, or otherwise places an order, receives a product, will have 30 days from the purchase date to return the product in questions, if the following stipulations are met. The product must be it's original, new, sent condition. The return shipping will be paid by the buyer. A re-stocking fee of 20% can be applied before the return is accepted and refund is given by NAR Puppies, minus of the order total for the return in question to be accepted. All returns at NAR Puppies are subject to manager approval. Items and orders are approved or disapproved on a case by case basis, depending on the return in questions, and the condition of the item, and that the terms above are also met, to be eligible. In general, most new, eligible, un-opened items, can be returned within 30 from purchase date, however, the buyer is responsible for return shipping, once the item is delivered back to NAR Puppies, the refund should only take one or two business days, but could take longer if your financial institutions takes a while to deposit the money back onto your account on their end. If an item is used, broken damaged, stolen, the buyer(customer) put the wrong or incorrect address, these are situations and events in questions, as related to a NAR Puppies return or refund, that may not, and probably are gonna be approved for a return or approved for a refund in anyway. If a customer or individual trying to trying to return or get a refund for a item or order they received from NAR Puppies, gives slander, is un-polite, rude, cusses our staff, not friendly, bullies, talks down to any individual at NAR Puppies trying to help a customer return a package, the conversation will be ended, voided, and the return and refund will be denied for the return in question. Always stay calm, friendly, and do not cuss or put down anyone at NAR Puppies trying to assist you as a customer for any reason whatsoever, or if this happens, NAR Puppies will cease the conversation, and our services will not longer be available to that individual in question. We reserve the right to refuse any individual as a business, we ask to stay calm and polite while associating with NAR Puppies, or using NAR Puppies business or services.

Marketplace And Departments (C) Shipping, especially as related to mail order, and online marketplace listing department transactions, is sometimes added to some items and sku's for sale by NAR Puppies, and when necessary. In general most items, skus, and orders an individual can place with NAR Puppies, especially when relating to, are eligible for free shipping at $35.00 plus in the continental United States. All states in the USA can qualify for this free shipping method, as long as the items in questions are eligible for the NAR Puppies free shipping program to all 50 states at $35.00.

Marketplace And Departments (D) Since NAR Puppies has thousands of customers in United States, our technology, mail order services, fulfillment services, are designed and set-up for you unique state, county, and city/town. At, we make sure you receive the item you delivered, guaranteed. If the tracking does not say "delivered" by the carrier in question delivering your parcel and item form, we will re-send the order at no cost to the buyer, as this is a carrier shipping provider error, and customers and individuals of are not liable. In addition, if the tracking says delivered, but the carrier delivered the item to the wrong address in a state in question, from, and we can find proof from the carrier the package was delivered to the wrong address, the customer is not liable, and will make re-ship the order in question, since if this situation occurs, it is a third-party error, and not the customers or individuals fault using services.


Marketplace And Departments (E) In the event a NAR Puppies marketplace transaction, also known as an order, checkout, sale, relating to a NAR Puppies transaction occurs, and the order is not able to be fulfilled by NAR Puppies Distribution Center for processing of that item in question, otherwise, relating to following events, such as the order not being able to be fulfilled for a NAR Puppies management reason, for any reason, the item and transaction in question, will be refunded to buyer, and order canceled, and the funds returned to the buyers financial account.

Marketplace And Departments (F) Any refund, order cancellation of a NAR Puppies transaction in question, otherwise resulting as an end result of the currency being transferred back to the individual, buyer, in question, may take up to 10 business days before the buyer sees their currency of the funded item or transaction back into their financial account. This is because after the refund and/or order cancellation is refunded by NAR Puppies, it can still take several business days, up to even 10 business days, for a buyers financial institution to deposit the funds on their end, back into your private financial account, where the funds originated.

NAR Puppies Marketplace

Marketplace (A) NAR Puppies Marketplace is subsidiary company, of the parent company, Corporation, under the strict direction, ownership, control of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

Marketplace (B) All NAR Puppies marketplace departments are hereby separate entity's, under their department name and tag. Each department is a subsidiary company, of the parent company, Corporation, under the strict direction, ownership, control of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

Marketplace (C) Any individual, including, but not limited to, breeder, retailer, wholesaler, or otherwise any individual that wishes to, and wants to re-sell NAR Puppies animals or merchandise, must first get approval from The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees before doing so. Unless such individual is an approved affiliate, or just an individual referring an individual/lead to Recommending NAR Puppies animals and merchandise is allowed as long as the sale, transaction, puppy adoption, takers place at However, purchasing puppies for the sole purpose of re-selling them elsewhere, like a private store, or a marketplace, in public, then in these situations NAR Puppies requires to get pre-approval the NAR Puppies board, and added to the boards approved wholesaler or retailers list.

Marketplace (D) NAR Puppies is a online eCommerce marketplace department store, designer dog breeder, and much more. Vendors at NAR Puppies, that sell on NAR Puppies marketplace, hold liability under law for all products, including, but not limited to, product descriptions, text, images, videos, models, attributes, facts, reviews, and otherwise, anything and everything related to a third-party vendor (seller), listing and selling a product to a NAR Puppies (consumer, buyer). However, NAR Puppies goes to great lengths to ensure each product is quality, and a great value. NAR Puppies also makes sure every package and order is delivered to the buyer (consumer) that bought the product at NAR Puppies, or NAR Puppies will either re-ship or refund the order, depending on the situation in question, and the manger working on the case to resolve the package issue, if one was to arrise.


Prison (A) No prison, jail, inmate facility operation in Arkansas, can deny, reject, disobey, the full rights that every United States citizen has. The law, and their rights. No prisoner, in any prison, may be mis-treated, no matter their crime, offense, or criminal record or background. Their charges, jail or prison term length, will still be equal to their crime, unless they get out early for good behavior. No prisoner can be talked down to, physically hurt, verbally abused, not feed enough, or not have good housing living area, and aquatic daily living supplies while inside a jail or prison in Arkansas.

Prison (B) No prison, jail, inmate facility operation in Arkansas, if letting out an inmate out of their cell and the door is opened, can be left alone without 2 jail or prison guards within 25 foot of the inmate, in the same room as the inmate, and in full seeing vision of the inmate in question out of their cell. Cameras do not count, or exclude the rules above. If such inmate in question needs privacy for hygiene or other sensitive activity where privacy is required, both guards can turn to side, or turn their backs if it safe to do so to give the inmate in question some privacy and respect. If an inmate is their cell, living quarters inside the jail or prison facility, they may be left alone, only if cell is closed and locked. If more than one inmate lives a set quarters or cell in question, they can be left alone if cell is locked and they are inside as well, but every inmate should be asked every day if they fill safe with their other cell, living area inmates. If a inmate in question feels threatened, scared, not sure, not safe, abused physically, abused emotionally, either by another inmate or a guard, the inmate in question should be allowed to move to a different living area immediately, or two guard sit out their cell with the rules above in a chair 24/7, until after housing area can be found, or until problem is resolved. Two prison guards are required for the safety of the prison guards, and for the safety of the inmate in question, if an event in question was to happen.

Prison (C) All inmates in Arkansas, should have an emergency signal button on their wrist, as mandatory, not optional, anytime the inmate in question is out of their cell. If needed, the inmate, in the case of emergency, of the inmate feels threatened, they may hit the button which signals all guards and the jail or prison facility, as well as the local Sheriff.

Prison (D) Since every humane has a different metabolism, if an inmate request additional food, they should be allowed to have an additional cafeteria visit, or food tray, in addition the 3 trays a day they already get. Up to 2 additional food trays, or cafeteria visits a day, in addition the 3 they should already be getting. Total of 5 full meals, daily, if the inmate request that they need more food, and their diet and metabolism requires it.

Prison (E) UVC specialized lights, should be installed inside the AC vents, in every prison, jail, inmate housing facility in Arkansas, and at the very least the central AC system fans, will run for at-least 30 minutes, every 4 hours on a timer to circulate air in the facility, and to disinfect the air for the facility guards, and for the health of the inmates and their safety as well. This will help keep down outbreaks like Covid, Flue, and other fast spreading sickness that could potentially take out inmates that are serving their mandatory time, inmates that cannot leave away form sickness, bacteria, Covid, Flu or other sicknesses, inmates that are in a crowded cell and facility.


Certifications (A) The NAR Puppies company charter, it's board of directors, employees, contract workers, staff, owners, shareholders, can be certified, trained, and registered, by The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.


Certifications (B) Cody N Smith is a board certified Chief Veterinarian Officer. He was issued the certification of (CVO) Chief Vetenarian Officer by The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, for the NAR Puppies brand. CODY'S staff experience, including his personal experience, have decades of combined professional educated hands on experience. includes, but is not limited to, in the care, raising, farming, breeding, facilitating, carrying, housing, caring, health, DNA, public relations, traits and more for the NAR Puppies brand.


Court (A) No court case, judgment, trial, fine, legal situation, company management decision, power of attorney, or otherwise any situation or event relating to NAR Puppies, can be settled, taken place, open, settled, concluded, written, decided, judged upon, without the presence, direct feedback, and conversation with the NAR Puppies board CEO with the court, or individual in question.

Court (B) If a legal court case, or trial is required of NAR Puppies, it will be held in Batesville, Arkansas 72501. No matter if the jurisdiction is federal, state, County, local, providence, territory. NAR Puppies operates in all 50 states in the United States.

Court (C) No individual, including, but not limited to, Judge, jury, Sherif, law enforcement, legal, political, can make a ruling, judgment, law, legal, decision, conclusion, of a court case, legal situation, event, management decision, board decision in question, on topics or variables that are not about the variable that NAR Puppies was required to come to court on originally, or that the court case originally stated before the court trial begin, or that the original warrant did not contain that variable. Meaning NAR Puppies has a board, and is a private entity, that is privately owned, managed and operated, and no variable can be decided or ruled upon, other than the variable that the court case is originally opened upon, and that requires court. No other variable will be added, brought in, joined, merged, created, or made up, other than the originally stated charge, fine, court case before NAR Puppies comes to the first court case, and starts court trial on the subject in question.

Court (D) If a court case is required and opened, and NAR Puppies is attending, NAR Puppies cannot be locked up or booked, until such court case in question is concluded, closed, ended, fair trialed, and the Judge and jury make their verdict.

Court (E) NAR Puppies has the right to a fair trial, including a full un-biased jury panel, and an attorney hand picked by NAR Puppies. See Legal (B) for more about NAR Puppies legal team.

Court (F) No property, subject, variable, individual of NAR Puppies, can be ruled upon, fined, sanction, if such ruling in question violates the rights of NAR Puppies.

Court (G) If any legal charge, judgement, ruling, decision, regulation, statement is made on behalf, or towards NAR Puppies, that is found to unconstitutional, un-lawful, or simply was made without keeping NAR Puppies rights, it is here by considered void, and has no merit. In this case or scenario, if NAR Puppies is not protected fully, and rights are not given to NAR Puppies fully in a situation in question at hand, then the case, decision, ticket, sentence, fine, judgement, decision, regulation that included NAR Puppies, is considered void and reversed.

Court (H) A court case in 2024, with a title that included "State Vs Cody N Smith", had illegal court rulings by Independence county judge, againts Cody N Smith. For people that may not know, Cody N Smith is "NAR Puppies", and is a member of the NAR Puppies board as well. The court told Cody N Smith in 2024, that it was to not have any animals on it's land anymore, specifically on one of it's properties. This property in question the Independence County judge, and state representative on the floor, both talked and conversed, and told Cody N Smith that he is to have no more animals, or animal breeding on on this property in question. This property was privately owned by Cody N Smith, and was a home, land, and habitat, a habitat that was custom built, and included many buildings and play areas for dogs and puppies, all privately owned by Cody N Smith. This was the end of the court case in question in 2024, and he was told to move his animals, his livestock, where the animals had been for over five years, animals that were on his private land, animals Cody N Smith owned, as well as real-estate that was privately owned by Cody N Smith. This decision by the judge, court, city, county, state representative was illegal in many ways, and violated the rights of NAR Puppies, and more specifically Cody N Smith and his dogs and puppies he breeds. The decision by the court, violated the constitutional law that people cannot be regulated on their private land. The law goes even farther to say people cannot lose their private land or real-estate, also known as a sanction, without getting fair compensation under constitutional law. What does this mean? To further explain, the judge and court not only made illegal un-lawful ruling, violating the rights of Cody N Smith, and his company and breeding program called NAR Puppies, the court also took actions that constituted and qualified as a "sanction" of real-estate or private property. However no ruling was made to "sanction" Cody N Smith's private assets, but technically they cannot "regulate him on private land", without sanctioning him, and if they sanction him, they have to pay him fair compensation for his assets or real-estate. The Independence county court, judge, city, and state representative, set into motion a set of events, that kept being more and more illegal, and more and more counts of breaking laws, and more and more counts of violating Cody N Smith's rights, and NAR Puppies rights. To make the situation even worse, Cody N Smith plead not guilty for the second court date for the case "State vs Cody N Smith" when the judge called him the stand this day in 2024. The judge got mad and raised his voice, threw his hand out and started waving it around, and told Cody N Smith to sit down at the jury desk. About an hour went by this day in question, and an officer came in and got Cody N Smith, and locked him up at Independence county jail, took his items, fingerprinted him, and took him behind bars in the county jail, for having animals on his private property, animals that were his private property. Just because a law, or ordinance, exist, does not mean that law or ruling in question is legal, and does not mean that law enforcement, or a court should enforce it, at-least not in all situations, the situation at hand has to be considered, the variables at play, and a highly educated decision has to be made, not a corrupt, illegal, decision or ruling or law enforcement officers.

Additional Legal

Legal (A) If any individual, including, but not limited to, entity, group, political, law enforcement, alias would like to take NAR Puppies to court, fined, or otherwise requires compensation from an event in question by NAR Puppies, they must first ask NAR Puppies. A written statement needs to be presented to NAR Puppies of the situation in question of concern that is being debated, if NAR Puppies accepts for the situation in question, then the opposing party agrees to pay the full amount of the legal fees, and any associated cost for NAR Puppies legal team to operate and defend NAR Puppies, for the full-length of the court case, trial in question.

Legal (B) If NAR Puppies is called to court for any reason, or ticketed, fined, or otherwise requires compensation from an event in question from NAR Puppies, in connection, and in addition to, Legal (A), NAR Puppies is required to have their law firm and legal panel paid in full, and this law firm in question, will be one of the best law firms capable of defending NAR Puppies. The full payment from the opposing party, will pay the legal cost and associated fees to NAR Puppies, NAR Puppies will manage the money and pay their legal team for the court trial in question. This law firm will be hand picked by NAR Puppies. This law firm will protect the assets, board, and NAR Puppies in its entirety. As stated in Legal (A), the full legal cost, and any associated cost, of NAR Puppies, will be paid for in full by the opposing party that is taking NAR Puppies to court.

Legal (C) In the event a company owner, individual, tries to sly their way into ownership of a company, by means of false documentation of transactions, money, payroll on tax books, sales receipts, invoices, checks, or otherwise having documents of a company owner on payroll, or purchase receipts from the company other, and claiming these records are for, or that they qualify for, ownership, shares, in part, or in full of NAR Puppies, or any other company is not allowed. for an example, if a board member is being paid by another individual, entity, political, or otherwise a company owner normally that has a employee payroll for services or for their staff, and this company has another company owner, or share holder on their payroll, it not does not constitute, or qualify the individual in question that has the other company owner, or share holder on their payroll for shares, ownership, board positions, or otherwise in part, or in full, NAR Puppies. For example two, if a company owner, individual in question sells a car for a set amount, let's say $35,000, to another individual in a private sale. Then 8 months later, the person that bought the vehicle for the $35,000, knows the individual they bought the vehicle from has wealth, or a company, and they take the invoice, or situation in question, and claim they bought in part, or in full of the company or wealth the buyer has by using the sale, receipt, transaction, invoice, contract variable, in a way that they did not mean, in a sly, shady, manipulative way. They could say the $35,000 was for their company, and show the bank receipt, or transaction receipt, especially if they have a strong, or good, reputation, and they could use situations like everyday transaction, the transaction data and event itself, to take over, or claim companies, or claim real-estate, vehicles, land, or anything you can image, especially if such situation go to court, and they have full case, files, documents and a excellent reputation, they can literally destroy a buyer that might of even gave a good receipt and been professional. Same with payroll, a business, or company owner, individual, can claim that they were paying a persons weekly check, or salary, or a companies day to day bills for years, with their payroll ledger and documents, and show that a business owner, or individual in question has been receiving compensation, and a check from them, and they are the real business owner, and show months or years of payroll from their company, to another business owner that has a side job and works for them, and claim in part, or in full their wealth, items, or in this example their company.

Legal (D) No individual can claim in part, or in full NAR Puppies, Except for The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees. No individual, including, but not limited to business, entity, political, can, use any contract, law, policy, terms, document, legislative, political, audio, video, picture, creative, signed, means to claim any part of NAR Puppies, except for The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

Legal (E) In the event an individual, tries to use creatives, videos, pictures, writings, audio, documents of a business owners operation, or has their items documented by take taking pictures, videos, audio, or writings or in anyway without the business owners consent to claim ownership, this is not allowed and is sly, manipulative, and dishonest. For example, their are company owners that have schemes, especially to other business owners, or people of wealth that they have in their personal or business network for networking with people, and they may do things like show up frequently to the other business owners real-estate, or business, and take daily and weekly pictures, by driving by and snapping a picture from their vehicle window of the other business and individuals there, or if they know them well enough, as they walk through their business ever so often, they may take pictures of their rooms, outside, expensive items in the business, vehicles. A lot of times this is done with their phone camera, and can look like they are not even taking pictures. This is a little far, but if the individual or business owner running the scheme, is close to the business owner or individual that has the wealth items they want, it is easy for them to build up a timeline, and history of creative proof with pictures, audio, writings, journal entries, even some of their customers might know them if they stop by weekly. This is not allowed or legal, at NAR Puppies and will not happen. If any documents, pictures, audio, creatives, audio, code, registries, or otherwise any individual has any type of documentation what so ever of NAR Puppies, it is not allowed, and is scheming if used in way, and it is against our data terms of use as well, and we hold a creative copyright on anything that is NAR Puppies that we create. The only person authorized to use files on anything NAR Puppies, is The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, which owns 100% of NAR Puppies.

Legal (F) In the event an individual, like a business owner, entity, is sly, manipulative, dishonest, and claims to have unpaid debt, unpaid invoice, or didn't receive the money for a transaction in question from another individual, is not allowed. For example, a business owner, or information could have a good reputation to individuals in their personal network they see and socialize with, their reputation could also known as, and people of the community could see them as "honest, fair, reputable". However, business owners can get powerful over time, with their customers, clients, family and friends, and sometimes even government, and people can view them as celebrity, or as great, super honest, things like this. However, there may be weekly, monthly or a few yearly transactions, a scheme, where they literally take someone's money by false manipulative means. This could be creative invoices and amount dues that never happened, clearing financing invoices like a customer in question and say it was never paid, and much much more. However, these business owners, or individuals running the scheme againts their customer in question, can very easily say that a debt was not paid back in part, or in full, and question the customer, and even start a lawsuit or court case, or put a lean on the customers vehicle, house, or report them to a credit collection agency. This is literally a customers word and reputation, against another citizen that has a superior image, reputation, and may also have a business, with a superior image and reputation, and normally the business owner has an image or more wealth and more power, even if that is not the reality of what is true. All this, can add up to some nasty false dishonest transactions, contracts, or otherwise any situation where a debit or transaction, invoice, contract is made up in part, or in full, in an attempt to scan another individual in question.


NAR Puppies Morgage's, Foreclosures, Real-estate

NAR Puppies Morgage's, Foreclosures, Real-estate (A) No individual, including, but not limited to, including a mortgage, loan, lease, sale, private sale, real-estate sale, rent to own, or otherwise any situation or event that contains or equals NAR Puppies in these variables herein, that include real-estate, or purchasing of goods or estate, cannot foreclose, end, conclude, cancel, alter, sale, edit, transfer any variables herein, as stated and relating or containing to NAR Puppies ownership of a such variable or situation herein, without the express consent and permission of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

NAR Puppies Morgage's, Foreclosures, Real-estate (B) If any individual, including but not limited to, real-estate, property, purchasing of goods, contract, rent to own, foreclosure, lien, is entered into a situation where it si being concluded, canceled, transferred, or a situation or event where it is being taken legally from NAR Puppies, with our without their consent, the party in question taking the asset, must give NAR Puppies at-least 18 months to sell, trade, lease, or get additional financing on the property in the question, from the date the property is listed by NAR Puppies, before such property, goods, asset, real-estate, can be taken from NAR Puppies. If NAR Puppies resumes payment, the normal 120 days foreclosure process is voided, and altered, and such property is to be put back in the full legal custody and control of NAR Puppies, as before the foreclosure process started.

NAR Puppies Morgage's, Foreclosures, Real-estate (C) If process or event is set into motion, that contains or includes NAR Puppies real-estate, or other assets owned by NAR Puppies, and that variable with the asset in question is listed publicly for sale during that timeframe the variable is in motion to be taken from NAR Puppies, then such actions to take the assets in the variable in question, must be stopped to give NAR Puppies time to privately sale such asset in in question, in the the variable in question that has the asset being challenged, that is part of NAR Puppies. What does this mean? For example, if a foreclosure process is started on any variable that contains real-estate, that foreclosure process is considered paused, stopped, and on hold if the NAR Puppies board decides to sale the property, to remedy the foreclosure and/or lien or contract judgement toward such property or variable in question. This gives NAR Puppies plenty of time to list and sale such property privately, in-house, so that NAR Puppies can save it's assets, equity, wealth, in such asset, in such variable in question.

NAR Puppies Morgage's, Foreclosures, Real-estate (D) No realtor, foreclosure, conclusion of a asset in a variable in question, that relates to, or contains to NAR Puppies, can charge a commission, fee, charge, interest rate, or otherwise any amount or currency related to the asset in the variable in question, that is not agreed upon, and consented by The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees first.

NAR Puppies Morgage's, Foreclosures, Real-estate (E) No real-estate foreclosure event variable to can take place, including, but not limited to, seizure, asset, wealth, item, property, deed, title, mortgage, contract, rent to own, can sell, trade, auction, take, foreclose, any variable or asset that equals NAR Puppies in part, or in full, without compensating and paying The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees full market price at the time the variable, or assets that equal NAR Puppies in part, or in full, are taken from NAR Puppies ownership, either illegally or legally.


NAR Puppies Morgage's, Foreclosures, Real-estate (F) Any asset, including, but not limited to, real-estate, property, items, that have a lean, mortgage, financing, loan, lending, on the asset that is the owned By NAR Puppies, in part, or in full, cannot be taken away, seized, sanction, foreclosed, sold, traded, or otherwise leaving the ownership of NAR Puppies, without The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees getting full listing market value for the property. This means if a home or asset in the variable in question, in the event in question is sold for example $100,000, and it has 70% debt, and it's market value is $140,000 or more if they sold it at current market fair value price, then the auction company, foreclosure company, party that seized the asset, party that sanction the asset, or otherwise took the ownership of that variable and asset in question, would in this scenario, in this example above, owe The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees $70,000 that NAR PUPPIES HAD IN EQUITY IN THAT ASSET, BEFORE THE OWNERSHIP OF THAT PROPERTY WILL BE APPROVED TO BE TAKEN IN ANYWAY, FROM THE NAR PUPPIES BOARD OF TRUSTEES OWNERSHIP. THE constitution states. 

NAR Puppies Morgage's, Foreclosures, Real-estate (G) "The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides that "[n]o person shall be ... deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." In the case of an asset being taking away from NAR Puppies in anyway, The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees requires full "just compensation" at the assets current market value. If the asset is taken away from NAR Puppies, and just compensation is given to The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees for the asset in question, and the "just compensation" is is equal to less that the current market sell listing value of the home, then the remainder of the equity that the asset could of been sold for, is required for The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees to release ownership and their hold of the property as an asset they own, in part, or in full.

NAR Puppies Morgage's, Foreclosures, Real-estate (H) If an asset is seized, sanction, or otherwise the ownership of a variable that has a asset that is taken from NAR Puppies, in a legal process that is lawful, no percentages, fees, cost, penalties. or otherwise any cost associated with the legal process that is a taking of the variable and asset's ownership from NAR Puppies, cannot be charged, applied to, billed to, NAR Puppies, or taken off the "just compensation', fair market value equity, and total fair value market sell price of such asset in the variable in question.

The Family

The Family (A) The family, consist of Abby J Smith, Hudson N Smith, and Cody N Smith, and their brand, entity, known as NAR Puppies. See Terminology (A) for full meaning of NAR Puppies.

The Family (B) No power of attorney is allowed to be given, granted, changed, concluded, of NAR Puppies, Abby J Smith, Hudson N Smith, Cody N Smith, except for, and exclusively by NAR Puppies. NAR Puppies holds power of attorney for Abby J Smith, Hudson N Smith, Cody N Smith, and NAR Puppies itself.

The Family (C) Any individual, including, but not limited to, DHS, law enforcement, political, or otherwise any individual that tries to enforce, and unlawfully take, any member(s) of The Family (B), is illegal, and is not allowed, and will not happen.

The Family (D) No individual, is allowed to claim to be part of The Family, except for the exclusive family members of Abby J Smith, Hudson N Smith, and Cody N Smith.

The Family (E) No individual, is allowed to claim the reputation, or claim to be part of, connected to, in part, or in full, of The Family, except for the exclusive family members of Abby J Smith, Hudson N Smith, and Cody N Smith.

The Family (F) No individual, is allowed to claim the reputation of, or claim to be part of, in part, or in full, of The Family, except for the exclusive family members of Abby J Smith, Hudson N Smith, and Cody N Smith.

The Family (G) No individual, can impersonate, any board member, on The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, or also known as The Family.

The Family (H) No individual can use the name of, in part or in full, any member of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, also know as The Family.

The Family (I) No individual can use the name of, or reputation of NAR Puppies, in part or in full, in a situation, event in question that could occur, that does not actually include NAR Puppies, otherwise meaning, The Family, The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, NAR Puppies itself, shall not be named, mentioned, used, included in a variable that equals any worldly situation in question, that they do not actually take part in, associate with, or taken part in in anyway. Often times individuals use the NAR Puppies name, the name of one it's owners, founders, board members, to make themself look better in a situation by acting like they are associated with running, or part of NAR Puppies, when they actually in reality are not. In related or comparable situation, is not allowed, as it can diminish the reputation of NAR Puppies, or put our animals, board, or The Family in harms way, by making potential enemies across the United States and world, in situations where our personal names were used, or the company name or related term of definition, NAR Puppies, in events or situations in questions, that we may not even know have existed or taken place to begin with.

Data & Technology

Data & Technology (A) No individual, including, but not limited to, law enforcement, political, entity, group, can record, video, photograph, take pictures, draw, audio, document, written documentation, download, in part, or in full, NAR Puppies. Especially if such situation is on a property owned, or in-contract to own by NAR Puppies.

Data & Technology (B) No Corporation files, data, information, of NAR Puppies can be used by anyone outside of NAR Puppies, including, but not limited to creatives, documents, pictures, videos, website(, mobile apps, code, emails, customer information, contacts, phone numbers, customer accounts, analytics, legal contracts, SEO, site structure, website design, logo, writings, audio, designs, procedures, breeding program, animals, or otherwise any variable that relates to, and makes up in part, or in full, NAR Puppies.

Data & Technology (C) Any individual, including, but not limited to, any person, group, business, entity, alias, political, that associates with NAR Puppies, or it's affiliates, gives NAR Puppies the exclusive right and permission to collect, store, and use data on that individual in question for business operations involving NAR Puppies in part, or in full. When a individual contacts NAR Puppies, associates with, uses, visits, creates a customer account, fills out a form, uses customer service chat, text us(sms), emails us, calls us, writes us, places an order, provides a shipping address, and more, this information is stored 100% securely on NAR Puppies data server databases, and the information is kept private and is not accessible to the general public, it is secure. NAR Puppies reserves the right, and permission to use this information to contact, market, use, or otherwise, to conduct business operations of NAR Puppies. A customer can request to have their individual customer account in question deleted if they so wish. To request your account be deleted from NAR Puppies data database servers, contact customer service directly at to submit your request.

Data & Technology (D) No third-party individual, including, but not limited to, affiliates, technology companies, marketing companies, advertising companies, retail stores, eCommerce, marketplaces, trades, are not allowed to sell, trade, copy, share, buy, any re-marketing list or data, that involves or is equal to NAR Puppies data, or even more specifically NAR Puppies customer data, that involves in part, or in full NAR Puppies.

Data & Technology (E) Any individual, including, but not limited to, customers, affiliates, third-parties, legal, political, alias, groups, that receive or send communication of any type with NAR Puppies, in part or in full, otherwise relating in a communication, a message, a interpretation, with NAR Puppies, will be, and is subject to this statement in the next sentence herein. This message, communication, interpretation contains confidential information and is intended solely for the individual named, addressed to, intended for, and shall not be shared, copied, stored, recorded, documented, or used in legal proceedings, unless express written and documented permission is given by THE NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees.

Data & Technology (F) Any individual, including, but not limited to, law enforcement, investigators, political, that are communicating or associating with NAR Puppies, must inform NAR Puppies of their role, goal, conclusion, at the time of the event and variable starts with NAR Puppies, before communication or association is allowed for that particular communication event, variable in question, to start and take place.

Data & Technology (G) When any individual contacts, associates with, communicates with, or otherwise offers any type of communication or association with NAR Puppies, NAR Puppies will and may record, store, document, collect, and file the related data of the event and situation, or otherwise variable in question, for quality assurance and training purposes for NAR Puppies.

Data & Technology (H) No individual, except for, can use any product title, description, content, or otherwise, any custom original copyrighted data from NAR Puppies. Any affiliate, re-seller, third-party, marketplace, online, or offline, will be required to use a custom title and product description, that does not match or equal NAR Puppies products, or otherwise NAR Puppies custom original data.

Data & Technology (I) No individual, except for, and except for AKA The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, may use the NAR Puppies name.

Data & Technology (J) No individual, except for, and except for AKA The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, may advertise, target, copy SEO, any URL's, websites, apps, that owned by, or that are officially NAR Puppies, in part, or in full. Only official websites owned and operated by NAR Puppies, and are under the control and ownership of The NAR Puppies Board Of Trustees, may use or target any part of Corporation data in advertise or marketing, or other targeting types. Such efforts are not allowed, they are deceptive to potential customers, and can mislead NAR Puppies customers, and potential customers as well. Directories, search engines, social media channels, and private websites alike, are deemed to not use advertising, targeting, marketing to place ads when a customer is directly trying to find, locate, search, for a NAR Puppies product using phrases or terms that equal NAR Puppies data, or if the individual is directly entering the NAR Puppies brand name in any way.

Third-party Services

Third-party Services (A) No third-party service provider individual, can change any variable that relates to in part, or in full, NAR Puppies, that would negatively effect, hurt, NAR Puppies. including, but not limited to to categories such as real-estate, land, mortgage companies, utilities, technology, host, data, transportation, payment systems, banks, vendors, affiliates, or otherwise any business, service, or individual that provides a third-party service to in part, or in full, NAR Puppies.

Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement (A) No law enforcement agency, can break any existing federal, state, county, local laws, also including, entity laws, contracts, terms, and in connection to, and expressly in an event or situation in question, to have the conclusion to take down a criminal, issue a ticket, fine, judgement, investigate, lock up, incarcerate, jail, put on parol, and individual in question. Meaning, if a law enforcement agency in question, breaks laws, in the event or situation to have the end result, conclusion, of bringing justice to a individual in question, that law enforcement agency is still subject to the law themself, 100%. Any and all crimes the law individual broke to bring justice, the law individual must turn themself in, and tell their local sherif and district attorney immediately following the event in question, and face the full penalty and prosecution for their crimes. Just because they are fighting crime, does not give the law individual the right to break the law, or take the individual being arrested in question rights away. However, if the situation is considered an emergency, nation security, the acting law individual in question, could at that point only, shed all or partial rights to the individual needing to be obtained, arrested, fined, court trialed, if immediate danger has arisen, and time-sensitive event occurs.

Professional Commercial Dog Breeder

Commercial Dog Breeder (A) Any professional commercial dog breeder, has the right to fully do their trade, 100%, entirely by themself. See Terminology (D) for more about commercial dog breeder.

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